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Personal Finance

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"Keeping the F.I.R.E. burning while getting F.A.T."


I started late realizing the importance of investing and making your money work for you.  And I don't want others, especially younger generations not to be financially literate just like most of us (that is if you are one of us).

That's when I realized why not share also my ideas, tips, hacks, experiences (both good and bad) about my personal finance?  This initiative might influence others to start thinking about their future too when it comes to personal finance.  Financial literacy, I believed starts with personal finance.  

Why "Keeping the F.I.R.E. burning while getting F.A.T."?

Have you ever realized and found yourself dragging your feet early in the morning just to get off early for work? Or imagined yourself staying home looking after your family or your kids while they grow up?  But just can't because you need to get paid to provide for the family.  

My Journey towards Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) came from the premise that I want to enjoy my life the way I want it. I want to be in full control of my future, that do not fall into the trap of what we called the rat race.  I want to escape the rat race as early as possible. 


Though I started late saving and investing and I admit I won't be achieving the recommended early retirement for FIRE followers which is 30-40 years old by saving up to 70% of my annual income (which is impossible now because I have a family to feed, and I am already 35 years old), still, I had created my masterplan to retire much earlier than the traditional retirement age of 65. 

While working on "My Journey towards FIRE, I planned not to deprived myself.  That's what "while getting F.A.T. means". I will never deprive myself of Foodies, Adventures, and Travels. All these, of course, in moderation.  It's my way of rewarding myself for working too hard in saving and investing. 

While I am still working for money and at the same time making that money I have invested to work for me, I can't wait to quit my job early and just work at something I love.  

We need to be smart,  if you haven't started yet it's not yet too late to hold that steering wheel going to where you want to be in the future.  Start building your portfolio and let your money work for you too.

The reason why I am doing this.

I grew up in a poor family and finished a degree wherein we weren't taught and provided with in-depth knowledge about personal finance (at home & in school) - like saving; investing;  making your money work for you; etc.  Which I think, schools should be considering regardless of what degree you are going to pursue. And this should start from early childhood. 

Important: I am not saying that I made a bad decision about choosing my degree coz I am making money now because of it (Hahaha!). 

Though parents gave us earful advice to be frugal. Being thrifty in spending our money (allowance, per se), isn't enough to learn the real essence of personal finance and to be financially literate.


From now on, I will be making blogs and vlogs about my personal experiences managing personal finance. So...

To my like-minded readers - let us share tips and hacks about saving and investing so we could benefit from each other for making our money work for us. Let's go get our first million together.

Here is one of my recommended investments. It's my 1st Personal Finance Vlog.  It's a must-watch for your investing needs. Play the video below ⮏

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed financial advisor and I am not affiliated with any financial institutions. This website is for entertainment and educational purposes only and should not be taken as professional/ financial advice. Always make a habit to practice due diligence.

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